# esp8266_NeoPixel ## About MQTT NeoPixel control using a esp8266 based board (ESP-01S). Platformio project file for convenience. ## Requirements - ESP-01 board - [ESP-01 RGB Board](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32843759597.html) - WS2812 WS2812B n Bits Light Ring (I used 16 Bits) (Adafruit NeoPixel) - 3-5V supply or battery ![HW](HW.jpg) - [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (or Codium) with: - [PlatformIO extension](https://platformio.org/) with platform Espressif 8266 installed (configuration for the board in [platformio.ini](platformio.ini)) ## Demo (Tested with MQTT_Dashboard) ![Demo](./Demo_compressed.gif) ## RGB Lamp Some improvements to create something similar to [**Twisted WiFi-controlled Desk Lamp**](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4129249): - Drilled base to have access to reset button ![Base](./20210617-105718.jpg) - Using ESP-01 and ESP-01 RGB Board instead of Weemos D1 mini ![Base 2](./20210621-221439.jpg) Finished lamp with MQTT Dashboard demo: ![RGB Lamp and MQTT Dashboard](./dashboard_demo.gif) ## References and links - Libraries and code based on examples from the [Unofficial SDK](https://programs74.ru/udkew-en.html) for Espressif ESP8266 - [Adafruit NeoPixel Arduino Library](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel) ## Important notes It is important that the user modifies the corresponding fields between ```< >``` in the file ```src/user_config.h``` ## TODO - Implement initial SSID and Password configuration by setting the ESP as an Access Point, displaying a welcome site and have the user input stored in the device - ~~Standalone light effects~~ ## Contributing Feel free to drop a line/contact me if interested in this project